NAD+ Therapy

NAD+ Therapy

NAD+ Therapy: 

Reverse the Signs of Aging

     Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is found in virtually all living cells, NAD+  is essential to sustaining life and determines how quickly our cells age. This naturally  occurring coenzyme plays a vital role in promoting cell regeneration and metabolism;  basically, telling our cells to look after themselves. Furthermore, it is involved in DNA  repair, cell repair and cell metabolism.


     As we age, the NAD+ levels within our body steadily declines, so much so that at 50  years of age, we only have half as much as we did at age 20. This creates a range of  symptoms that we typically align as signs of aging, including memory loss, poor energy  levels, decrease libido and reduced immunity to disease.

The Benefits of NAD+ to the Human Body

▪️Lengthen telomeres 
NAD+ maintains the component of our DNA molecules  called Telomeres, which help fortify the DNA against  natural errors during DNA replication, reducing signs  of aging.

▪️Modulates immune-cell signalling
NAD+ encourages immune cells to communicate  together to form a stronger force against infection,  and disease.

▪️Improve brain and nervous system
NAD+ enhances the function of neurotransmitters  that activate, and deactivate components of our brain,  which enhances clarity, and overall function.

▪️Promotes DNA repair
NAD+ activates Sirtuins co-enzyme that regulate  inflammation, and repairs natural DNA damage that  occurs from UV light, lifestyle, and diet choices such  as alcohol intake.

▪️Promotes energy production
NAD+ upregulates ATP production, and increases  mitochondria density within the cell, which produces  more fuel for our human body to function.

NAD+ IV Therapy can help individuals who are:

  • Interested in extending their lifespan
  • Seeking to increase energy levels and reduce fatigue
  • Interested in restoring neurological function
  • Experiencing cognitive decline
  • Desiring to restore muscle strength and function
  • Accelerating weight-loss programs
  • Recovering from addiction and substance abuse

Our unique IV NAD+ protocol allows you to receive the maximum benefit of this miracle  molecules. When after the NAD+ therapy course you can get feel extreme clarity and thoughts, intense focus, energy buzz, clearer vision ,energetic and positive overall sense of well-being . “you feel awesome and want more”


NAD+ is the closest we’ve gotten to a fountain of youth… It’s one of  the most important molecules for life to exist, and without it, you’re  dead in 30 seconds.
David Sinclair PhD, Harvard Medical School.

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